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Why Commercial Ventilation System Maintenance Is Vital

It is also easy to forget about a ventilation system as it does all of its essential work in the background. Most of the time, this means that out of sight is out of mind until something goes wrong. Unfortunately, we often do not realise how important a system is unless it breaks down, and this can bring a halt to your operation.
Luckily, regular maintenance checks on supply and extract ventilation systems will keep you informed. A ventilation hygiene inspection can determine if further work is needed and if parts need to be replaced. It can also provide peace of mind that your system is running energy efficiently.

Why is maintenance necessary?

For ALL buildings, ventilation maintenance is a statutory requirement. Under Regulations 5 and 6 of the Workplace (Health, Safety & Welfare) Regulations 1992, the government cites the need for maintenance inspections, services, cleaning and part replacements. If you do not meet this requirement, your business will be put at risk because you are not providing a hygienic, safe air quality for your workers.

Another reason to order ventilation inspections is that a system breakdown can completely stop all your on-site operations. For high-risk areas, there would be no way to filter contaminates and help prevent the spread of dirt and germs to other building areas. Having regular inspections means keeping on top of issues in the ventilation system as and when they happen, preventing breakdowns and treating problems as they occur.

It is also good common sense to ensure your system is clean and efficient. You cannot clean a floor with a dirty mop, and just the same, you cannot keep indoor air clean with a dirty, smelly or malfunctioning ventilation system.

What will happen during maintenance?

An inspection is usually the first step in any maintenance protocol. It looks for defects, parts that might need replacing and how clean the entire system is. Ventilation Surveys & Services Ltd. provide a thorough and professional inspection. We can test all types of Supply and Extract and Recirculation systems and have various tests to meet each client’s demands.

VSS will carry out visual inspections and can create access into the ductwork systems for this as well. We demonstrate real-time footage showing the internal cleanliness condition using innovative robotic CCTV purpose-designed technology. We use Preferred Vacuum Tests (PVTs) on dust deposits which will highlight the need for a clean (or otherwise).

If a system does NOT need cleaning ,we will certificate that system for a year without charging for a clean. This happens regularly year after year for our pro-active customers.

We would also highlight and cost ductwork systems that need cleaning or repairs. As a matter of course in the carrying out of these ventilation inspections we perform fire damper and smoke damper inspections, and this can save a lot of money and two interventions.

Does my business need professional maintenance?

All businesses should have their ventilation system maintenance carried out by a professional firm. An expert eye is the only way to have peace of mind and shows your determination to keeping your IAQ high.

VSS offers inspection and hygiene services that refer to all building and premises types across healthcare, commercial spaces, residential homes, retail, hospitality and educational buildings.

Typically, a working area can be placed in a low, medium or high category depending on the use of the room. In settings such as hospitals, each room will have different types, and VSS will consider this while conducting an inspection.

  1. Low classification rooms would be for spaces that are occupied infrequently or intermittently—for example, storage rooms, technical rooms and meeting rooms.
  2. Medium class relates to the average use of business spaces or premises—for example, offices, hotels, waiting rooms, restaurants or schools. Most human occupied spaces are in the medium category.
  3. The high class is more specialist and would include treatment areas in hospitals and laboratories.

How will my business benefit from an inspection?

The Gold Standard for any business is being professionally assured of a clean and efficient IAQ that is safe for anyone using the building. A quality assured indoor air quality will remove the risk of mould and mildew developing in your space. Better air quality also reduces the number of contaminants and pollutants inside the building, which means workplace sickness is less predominant, keeping your workforce where they are needed.
There are also many financial benefits. You can have vastly improved energy efficiency by ensuring your ventilation system is clean and in good repair. This will definitely reduce energy bills, a hot topic in the current economy. Inspections also can help boost the service life of equipment in the system, meaning fewer repairs.

What if my business does without any inspections?

Leaving your ventilation system running without regular inspections and maintenance is putting you in a position of risk. It would be easy to forget the system and allow it to work in the background but this means you are vulnerable to the whole system crashing and closing down your business when something goes wrong.

This will lead to safety hazards and poor indoor air quality that could cause respiratory problems for the people working in or visiting your premises without proper ventilation. Correctly operating Supply and Extract systems removes the risk of overheating during the summer, which is increasingly likely as temperatures in the world are rising yearly.

In the current climate, with energy price hikes and the impact of COVID on public health, turning a blind eye could be highly damaging to your business. By ensuring you take every measure to provide a safe workplace, you prove your commitment to your staff, customers, and the environment.

What is the next step?

It could not be easier to access professional help for your ventilation system. Ventilation Surveys and Services can work with businesses of all sizes and operates across all sectors to ensure that everyone on your premises stays safe.

Get in touch today to talk about how VSS can help you.