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Fire Door Inspection Services

UK Nationwide & Northern Ireland Coverage. Stop Fire Spreading. Contain smoke. Protect all evacuation routes.

Fire doors are essential to building fire protection and require fire door inspections every six months.

A fire door is a door with a fire-resistance rating used as part of a passive fire protection system to reduce the spread of fire and smoke between separate compartments of a structure and to enable safe escape from a building.

Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 Section 17 stipulates that all fire protection systems and elements of fire compartmentation should be subject to routine inspection and maintenance to ensure that they are in good working order.
Article 17 of the Fire Safety Order makes it a legal requirement to ensure that all fire resisting doors and escape doors are correctly installed and adequately maintained in order for them to be fit for purpose.
Ventilation Surveys & Services Limited can undertake independent fire door inspections with our trained and competent inspectors. We do not manufacture or install Fire Doors so we are an independent solution. However, if this is a requirement Ventilation Surveys & Services Limited work closely with accredited and approved specialised sub-contractors to fit any replacement Fire Doors required on site.

Fire doors in buildings should be inspected on a 6-monthly basis as a minimum. Fire Doors where traffic is high are likely to be more susceptible to damage and should be checked more frequently than other doors in the building. E.g. once per week or once per month.

Newly occupied buildings may require more frequent fire door inspections in the first year of use.

 What must we do:

Regulation 38:

Regulation 38 applies in England and Wales and states that fire safety information must be handed to a ‘responsible person’ at the completion of a project, or when the building or extension is first occupied.
This then places the responsibility of fire safety onto the ‘responsible person’.
In order for the responsible person to carry out future fire door inspections and maintenance, it is important that the correct information such as installation and maintenance instructions and traceability to the fire certificate is handed to them.
Once we have completed your Fire Door Inspection report our panel of accredited and approved specialised sub-contractors can carry out any remedial work identified to bring all fire doors up to the required standards.

Our reports will identify: